Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Research Proposal (Spirituality and PTSD Recovery)

Question: Does the spirituality component added to treat PTSD shine a brighter light to the PTSD recovery compared to PTSD treatment only? Answer: Introduction Spirituality has been one of the aspect that has made the belief of the people in a certain area stronger. The values and the skills that are especially attached to the same entails the belief in something positive and true. The inner- self play a dominant role in such cases. It is the belief and the faith that grows in the mind of the people relating to the healing power of spirituality. The connection that is created with god and the aspect of spirituality helps in monitoring trauma and to improve the condition of a PTSD person (Bonet, 2009). Post traumatic stress disorder or PSTD has been mediated through spirituality but that has been partial. There has been loads of argument that has been proposed in the studies that has been carried out in the relative perception. However, the strength of spirituality and the relationship that may be established with people having PTSD may vary. It may not always lessen the stress that the person may exhibit. The present study is based on the effect of spirituality on the healing of PTSD people rather than just the treatment. Investigation of the problem The investigation of the current problem is to know about the effect of spirituality in dealing with the PTSD people. The present study tries to intervene in the aspect of the spirituality with respect to PTSD recovery rather than just PTSD treatment. The importance of the study The importance of the study is to know about the extent of help that spirituality can offer person with PTSD (Cheng Gunasegaran 2009). There has been different research that has been conducted in order to know about the idea of the spirituality with respect to efficiency in recovering the people with PTSD. The importance of the current study is based on similar ideas. Research strategy The strategy of the research in to first understands the topic in the light of the information that is received. Based on this the literature and the review of the same is carried out. The next step is to understand the methodology that can be applied to get the final result. Finally it may be said that the findings may be done with the help of the methodology and the research conducted (Carolyn, 2009). The data that has been conducted leads to the finding and finally the discussion that be received. Literature review The literature review that is conducted for the present research sheds light on the theories and the concepts that are available. Apart from this there are number of aspects that can be drawn from the literature. It includes reviewing of the concepts and the knowledge along with the amalgamation of the same with the theories that can be persistent to support the thoughts (Dubin, 2009). Concept of spirituality and the history Spirituality is as attribute in the life of people that may differ in terms of definition and meaning from one to another. Bradesi Mayer (2009) opines in the psychological aspect it has been found that studies and beliefs show that apart from the visible side of the world there is something bigger. This bigger and greater aspect is the belief in something supernatural that positive in the power. Spirituality for one can be going to church and other religious institution while for others it may be thorough private prayer or meditation. It is also evident to mention that the sense of cognitive dissonance creates the faith in the people. They believe the fact that once there is a strong faith it creates the positive image in the minds of the people that cannot be negated with conflict (Leist, 2009). Concept of PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) and history The concept of PTSD is related to the trauma that a person may have faced in life owing to an incident that is too stressful. Ying Han (2009) put forward this may also include a personal experience that has been horrifying like rape or assault. The trauma becomes terrorizing with the worst experience that people face in their life. Most of these people face PTSD. Though there has been medication system that may improve the condition of the people but is highly negligible. The risk factor that may be included in the personal experience may be disastrous. Complete anxiety and depression may be the cause of the same. Survivors guilt is the major aspect of the problem that is found. However, it is also important to know that not only adults but children as well who are at the risk factor. Drug abuse or alcohol abuse may be another case that ca be one of the diving factor of the people with PTSD (Wiederhold, 2010). Spiritual path and trauma of people In the present situation it is necessary to understand that most of the most people make spirituality and religion close to each other. In such case the aspect of religion is taken into ground and this might not be a base of the necessary treatment that is required (Philip, 2009). There have been lots of studies that have been carried out to know the fact that most of the aspect that is required in understanding of the PTSD is related to religion. There have been tailored techniques and courses that have been used in the present day to heal and recover the people with PTSD to do better forgetting the shocks of the past incidents (Seaward, 2009). Practice of spirituality in USA However, with yoga or meditation the methods could be made better. This can help in case of getting the healing effect and to treat a patient. The recovery of the person essentially depends on the method of using the techniques that could treat a patient to come out a trauma to a great extent. On the contrary studies by Shiromani et al. (2009) prove that there can be a better healing effect that may be received from the spiritual teachings. There can be a positive effect on the people that defines the fact that all things cannot b defied or are not negative. There can be positive aspects in the life of the people after a shock or worst experience. The sense of identity is enhanced with the effect of the spirituality. The hope to do better in the present and future is accentuated with the involvement of spirituality and divinity (Nutt et al. 2009). Blooms taxonomy Blooms taxonomy can be dependent on a number of aspects. There is hierarchical order that is maintained. In the base there is remember is that of memorizing the information. Palm et al. (2009) mentions it is the remembrance of the fact but not the whole. Just above the remember aspect there is understand that deals with reframing the own words like that of translating, paraphrasing and summarizing. Then above understand comes apply that helps in translating the conceptual areas to the practical situation (Lewis, 2007). Analyze is the stage that is above apply that includes the identifying of the components and finally determining the inconsistencies and the consistencies. The stage above analyze is evaluate that includes the decision making process and understanding the views. The first stage at the top of the hierarchy deals with the combing of the theories, concepts, productivity and the originality (Lin, 2009). In the current situation it might be said that based on the concepts that has been analyzed above spirituality might play a pivotal role in dealing with the recovery of the people with PTSD. The techniques like yoga, meditation, prayer might be of help to rejuvenate their mind and come out of the critical situation (Loucks, 2009). It is expected that the present research may help in relating the people of PTSD with that of the concepts that exist. In such the understanding of PTSD in respect to the local areas and people round the world would be interesting. Methodology description In the present study, the methodology that has been used includes the research paradigm, research approach, the research strategy along with the sample size and the method of data collection. The population of the sample is the people who are having PTSD. The sample is the representation of the population and helps in gaining the necessary idea of the entire population. The sample size has been taken according to the convenience of the research. It is not feasible for the researcher to target the entire population so the sample selected is to ensure the replicability. The survey has been conducted on 70 people with PTSD in America. The questionnaire is a close end quantitative one that would help in the collection of empirical data. This would help in getting the ideas that could be derived from the people who have faced the shocks in life. In such perspectives it is also important to know about the viewpoint of the customers. This is primary data collection method has been taken in the present case that could be helpful in getting the understanding of the present research. The analysis of the data collected has been from the empirical information that has been collected from the study and the quantitative data collection technique. Non probability simple random technique has been used to choose the respondents. It is also important to mention the fact that even if few of the respondents do not wish to answer the survey they can do that. Therefore, the respondent would still be appropriate with that of the study. The study is a survey conducted on the people having PTSD. The controlled mechanisms followed are that through the care centers or through the counselors of the people of PTSD, the respondents were approached. As per APA 1992 it was seen that no questions are made that may hurt the sentiments of the people. The group of Respondents was followed based on the same. As per the Data Protection Act, it is important to note that the data collected is reliable and the information is retrained to the researcher only. The information is only for the purpose of the present research. The questions asked to the participant include the experience that they have due to which they have PTSD, the reason for the stress and the centers that they visit for treatment. The researcher asks usual question related to the above aspect with ease so that the participants are at ease. The control mechanism chose by the researcher is to analyze the extent and seriousness of the PTSD along with the limit of intuition. The ethical considerations of carrying the research are applied successfully. Survey questionnaire Q1) Which age group do you belong to? 16-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years Above 45 years Q2) Which gender do you belong to? Male Female Q3) Do you believe in the existence of God? Yes No Q4) Do you believe that god can be helpful in life to take you out of your scare? Yes No Q5)Do you believe that spirituality can help you in gaining strength of life? Yes No Q6)Do you practice yoga or meditation? Yes No Q7)Do you watch motivational or spiritual videos? Yes No Q8)Do you discuss your personal problem with your inmates of the centre? Yes No Q9) Do you feel better after practicing yoga or meditation? Yes No Q10)Do you read religious text? Yes No Q11)Do you think meditation helps you in gaining confidence? Yes No Q12) Do you think you would like to continue your mediation or yoga for the rest of your life? Yes No Q13) Do you like staying in the community or centre you are at present? Yes No Q14) Which are the religious institution that you often visit? Yes No Q15) Are you happy with your present life? Yes No Findings It may be said that the present research would try to find the understanding of the relationship that is expected in between the people of PTSD with that of aspect of spirituality. It will found that the relationship that might be there is the mind of the people in America is relevant to spirituality or not (Johnson, 2009). The present study also tries to establish the fact what are the ways in which, traumatized people are helped to use the aspects of spirituality. The study also seeks to find the understanding of the people in regard to the ways of spirituality like yoga, meditation, prayer and others. The questions will answer the research objective of the relationship of spirituality with that of the chance of recovery rather than only treatment. The data that is to be collected will help in getting the answer of the extent that spirituality will seek to make a person with stress positive. Ford (2009) refers in the similar aspect it is also necessary to understand the ideas that are related to the spirituality and the way people use the prospect to have a positive future. The research also seeks to know about the spiritual self of a person and the way in which spirituality can help in forgetting the past incidents. It is necessary to find the time that they are engrossed in the spiritual activity. The research also seeks to delve into the ways and the centers that have helped the people with PTSD get the desired support. The study makes it evident to try to understand the facts like social support, coping skills, behavioral risks that may be, improved by the use of spirituality (England, 2009). The findings from the research are that most of the PTSD people have faced traumatized outcome in their childhood. This is the major cause of the stress. The study proves the fact that most of the childhood experience is the prime cause of the stress. The findings from the survey ensure the fact that there are innumerable issues and practice of mental torture that is another cause of stress. However, in the findings the major gap of the research and the literature review is the lack of spiritual senses in people. Most of the people cannot have the negative perceptions regarding the stress and the spiritual side. The efficiency has been less in many countries and especially in USA. Discussion The project would help in getting the answer to the hypothesis that has been found. In such case it is important to note the fact that the data collected will help to know about the perceptions that the respondents have and this would shed light on the research. It is anticipated that the understanding of the facts that are related to the spirituality may be useful to find the perception of the respondents. There is a special need that is at par with the understanding of the positivity that may be useful in getting out of the trauma. The stress that a person may face in the past life can be tailored through the method of spirituality. As per the data collected the final analysis in after the completion of the study can claim the importance of spirituality in treatment. The same can be used to get the extent to which spirituality can help in the recovery of the people with PTSD. The anticipation that is related to the research could be helpful in getting the understanding of the adaptive understanding of the response. It may be said in the present condition that the aspects of the spirituality is predictive and are unique to the aspect of PTSD. The severity that is there in the PTSD can be dealt with the help of the understanding of the adaptive practices. The associations that are there in the present condition can help in getting the understanding of the maladaptive and adaptive processes. The positivity that is ensured with the dependence on spirituality can help in getting the view of the people with PTSD. The coping that is used by the spiritual process can be helpful in dealing with the negativities that has been faced by the affected people of PTSD. However, the extent of the positivity may vary from one person to another (Ellor, 2009). The integration that may be helped with the spiritual understanding helps in getting the idea of the integration. However, the period of observation and the study that has been given has been less in order to conduct a study on large scale. In case of respondents this could have been more along with the extension of the time would have helped in getting the answer in a concrete method. It may be said that after conducting the literature review there have been certain ideas that have been received that entails that people with PTSD have faced better situation with spirituality. Even if there are fewer chances in case of the recovery however the treatment that is offered by spirituality is effective. Apart from the key limitation of not intervening of the personal details and the time frame of the research, the study has been made concrete. References Bonet, M. (2009). The impact of spiritual well-being and stressful life experiences on traumatic stress. South Orange, N.J.: Seton Hall University. Bradesi, S., Mayer, E. (2009). Experimental Models of Stress and Pain: Do They Help to Develop New Therapies?. Digestive Diseases, 27(1), 55-67. Carolyn Smith-Morris (2009). The Cultural Context of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. 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